
Hold the spacebar to reel the fishing rod, and release the spacebar to stop reeling the fishing rod.

An Interview?

Q: What's the most strict part of this wrestling tournament?

A: Well, they have some strict dress codes.

  1. All wrestlers must wear Wit's dark navy pants
  2. All wrestlers must use Man Belts to hold up their pants

And they also have a vendetta on being near the scale so they use a camera. Why? Some gravitational mumbo jumbo we didn't listen to. (edited)

Q: How does the team captain lift people with a fishing rod so easily:

A: Uhhh.... Built.

Q: What kind of jam is gmtk's?

A: Strawberry mixed with nontoxic memory chips containing games! (This was sponsored by gmtk's jamming co and the last case was due to natural causes.)

Q: And this tournament is one of the most even playing fields in the country correct?

A: Why of course! There's no cheating going on here...


Game Design by HeuzyCoolModder, and EmptyWit

Coding by Heuzy

Art by CoolModder

Music by EmptyWit

SFX Primarily by EmptyWit


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Great concept for a game, my brain doesn't understand how one can come up with such an idea XD!

Love the fact gravity reverses seem to be restricted to the start of each weigh in, I could see the game being so much more frustrating if the gravity reversed right before the weigh in timer ended :') . 

Great job! Also am thankful for the lenience on the collision box in national, because I hit some which I really didn't think I would XD

Haha glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the great feedback!


Pssssh, no need, thanks for making the game and submitting it then :P XD!


This description is really charming.

Haha glad you took the time to read it!


Nice Game! Could experience some improvements but overall amazing job!

Thanks! I appreciate that!